Many of us are keenly aware of time passing by us. Health challenges in ourselves, our partners our parents can make us even more aware that our time on this big rock is finite. It feels like we blink and our 20s 30s and 40s pass us by. It can seem downright scary.
We may be starting to feel our age, not being able to be as active as we once were, coping with injuries, fertility or other health challenges. What if our partner starts facing health issues or is showing signs of aging, but we haven’t yet? Age differences or even different fitness levels between us and our partners can become so much more obvious as the decades roll on.
How do we cope?
First, really evaluate how you are spending your time. Are you engaging in meaningful activities or sleepwalking through life? Are you caring for yourself as well as you can?
What do you want the balance of your life to be like?
When are you going to begin making the changes you keep telling yourself you’re gonna make one day?
Isn’t it about time?
I can help you sort through the tough questions and learn to cope with the stresses of aging, health challenges and their impact on your relationship. I can help people maintain intimacy through health issues, recover intimacy during or after challenges like fertility care, pregnancy, financial stress, infidelity, you name it.
I can help you decide if your relationship is worth repairing and if not, and even help you uncouple in a conscious way.
Please contact me if you’d like to see how my coaching program could fit into your life.
You can book a free Discovery Call here.
See you soon!