Are You Feeling Dissatisfied?

Did you once believe that you’d be happy once you landed the perfect job, found the perfect relationship or created the perfect family you always dreamed about you would feel more satisfied?

What are you supposed to do now?

So many of us are under the impression that once we achieve the goals we’ve been working toward, obtain all the things we’ve always wanted, and our life looks just the way we thought a good life should look, then magically we will feel fulfilled. In some ways we might actually feel content, but on some level we may still feel like something is missing.

We often develop  a story in our heads that goes something like: “Once I meet my person, then I’ll be happy” or “Once I become successful, have my body, wardrobe, and home just so, then I will feel confident.” “Once I check these things off on my list of things to accomplish, then I will feel satisfied.”

What if happiness, confidence and satisfaction and success don’t even come from external achievement?

I’ve achieved enough in my life to believe that it doesn’t. I’ve achieved a medical degree from a top 10 U.S. medical school. I’ve run successful businesses, earned plenty of money. I have a lovely home and really good relationship with my husband. I’ve traveled the world. I know plenty of people in similar circumstances and not all of us are fulfilled and satisfied because it doesn’t come from that.

Well then, Renée, since you are so smart, what does it come from?

It doesn’t even come from being smart. In my experience, getting to a place of satisfaction and fulfillment is discovered through a much deeper inward journey. It is hard to put it into words, but it involves meeting your true self and aligning with your true inner purpose and allowing your wise heart to guide you.

I’m sure we’ve all heard that a million times, we may have tried to figure it out and it can feel super frustrating or nearly impossible. It can feel like people are talking in riddles, talking some woo woo new age spiritual nonsense or even that they are crazy or trying to deceive us. I get that.

All I can say is that you’ll definitely know when you tap into this place. Everyone is capable. No one can show you the exact way in. But many people, myself included, are willing and able to guide you in the right direction.  Also, you can’t figure it out because the thinking mind isn’t capable of it. You must move  beyond thought to get there.

This doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t strive to achieve goals, accomplish the things you wish to accomplish, meet the people you wish to meet, acquire a bunch of knowledge. All that stuff happens along the way. I just wouldn’t expect those things to magically shift you from feeling dissatisfied to satisfied with your life.

It often takes being disappointed by what you thought would make you feel satisfied to realize this and begin the deeper journey towards true fulfillment and satisfaction. The shift is internal. Sometimes it can feel slow and subtle, other times it can feel abrupt, chaotic or disorienting. I will say it really helps to have some guidance and support along the way from someone who has done their own inner work.

This deep inward journey takes discipline and a willingness to let go of habitual patterns and much of what you were once taught and believed it would take to create a fulfilling life. The more willing you are to shift your perspective and get out of your own way, the more likely you will be to create a truly joyful and satisfying life.

I hope this satisfies you for now.

Much Love  ❤️


Book a consultation here if you desire guidance as you delve inward. The inward journey need not be lonely. I would be honored to walk beside you.

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